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In a press briefing last week, President Donald Trump erroneously implied that the FDA had approved hydroxychloroquine to treat patients infected with the novel coronavirus.

What is hydroxychloroquine?

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, MD, soon after clarified that the agency must first conduct a clinical trial to determine whether the drug, which is currently approved for lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and malaria, is safe and effective in patients with COVID , and at what dosage. In the days following that announcement and correction, shortages of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have been reported, as increased demand has threatened already-limited supplies of the drug for patients with rheumatic and dermatologic diseases who rely on them, according to the joint statement.

In their letter, leaders of the four organizations urged Pence to work with patient and physician representatives to ensure the continued availability of these drugs for the tens of thousands of people who require them to avoid disability, illness and death. Hydroxychloroquine is the cornerstone of therapy, used in most patients unless a contraindication exists. Although the groups expressed support for rigorous clinical trials investigating hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID, they stressed the importance of maintaining access for patients who currently use them.

They called on Pence and the White House to work with the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and the FDA and take the following actions:.

The danger associated with individuals self-medicating with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to treat or prevent COVID was illustrated this week, when reports surfaced of an Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate. According to NBC News, the man and his wife took the toxic substance, which was not the medication form of chloroquine but instead a parasite treatment for fish tanks, after watching President Trump discuss the potential benefits of chloroquine in COVID Disclosure s : Costenbader, Karp and Werth report no relevant financial disclosures.

Tell us what you think about Healio. You can also monitor yourself between visits with a special grid called an Amsler grid, which can be obtained through your ophthalmologist. Unfortunately, retinal damage caused by Aralen may be irreversible, but this medication is rarely prescribed anymore for lupus.

Do not smoke while taking anti-malarial medications, since smoking actually reduces the benefits of these drugs.

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In fact, people with lupus should not smoke at all due to their increased risk of cardiovascular disease. You should always take your anti-malarial medications with food to prevent stomach upset. If a stomachache does occur, it is usually temporary. However, if you experience stomach upset while taking generic hydroxychloroquine, ask your doctor about trying name-brand Plaquenil instead.

While these medications contain the same active ingredient, the preparation of generic hydroxychloroquine can sometimes cause stomach irritation. This sort of upset usually does not occur with commercial Plaquenil. Lastly, remember that even though you may feel the benefits of anti-malarial therapy after about a month of treatment, it may take up to three months for the full benefits of the drug to manifest. If you experience any serious adverse effects, notify your doctor. Long-term anti-malarial use is normally safe. However, if you stop taking your anti-malarial drugs, you may experience a lupus flare.

Anti-malarial drugs may have additional health benefits for some people. Potential benefits include greater protection from UV light and lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. These benefits may be especially helpful for people taking steroids. In addition, individuals with antiphospholipid antibodies, such as the lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies, may experience a decreased likelihood of blood clots. If side effects do occur, they are usually minor and last only for a short period of time.

All information contained within the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center website is intended for educational purposes only. Physicians and other health care professionals are encouraged to consult other sources and confirm the information contained within this site. Consumers should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something they may have read on this website.

Hydroxychloroquine Plaquenil Chloroquine Aralen Quinacrine Atabrine What are anti-malarial drugs, and why are they used to treat lupus? What anti-malarial drugs are commonly prescribed for lupus?

COVID Coronavirus Causes Plaquenil & Chloroquine Shortage

How do anti-malarial drugs control lupus symptoms? Can anti-malarial drugs be taken with other lupus medications?

Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine for Coronavirus: Does it Work?

Can anti-malarial drugs be taken during pregnancy? What should I keep in mind when taking anti-malarial drugs? Can I stop taking anti-malarials suddenly?

Could it work?

Potential added benefits of anti-malarial drugs Anti-malarial drugs may have additional health benefits for some people. What are the possible side effects of anti-malarial drugs? Potential side effects of anti-malarial drugs include: Skin rashes and pigment change. Atabrine, specifically, can cause yellow pigmentation of skin.